Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Catching up

So it is 2012... supposedly this is the year that will end it all. At least that is the rumor. But I laugh in the face of this rumor.  2012 is the year I begin a new perspective on life. This is the year that will change it all. So I hope.

I am still new at this blogging concept, so bear with me as I figure out the ropes.  I obviously have not posted in quite some time and A LOT has happened since my last/first post.  I will try not to bore you with too many details, but I will try to catch you up.

January 2011: We found out we were expecting again. Our 3rd child. It was a total shock to us. But we accepted it.

 March 2011: Our daughter turned 2 this month and she was preparing to be a flower girl in my cousin's wedding in Chicago in May.  We were excited for that trip. It was much needed.

Easter 2011: We broke the news to our family that we were expecting yet again. They were just as shocked.

May 2011: We took a train trip out to Chicago for my cousin's wedding, We all had a role in it and we needed a mini-vacation too.  It was the first time for me to go on a train trip like that.  It was quite enjoyable even with the delays.  The sleeping room we had for the longer portion of the trip (Spokane-Chicago) was interesting. A bit snug for us, but we managed.  Sophia really enjoyed it and James (only 10 months at the time and already walking) had fun running up and down the lounge car.

June 2011:  We celebrated my husband's birthday and were preparing for the arrival of our 3rd child.

July 2011: This was a bittersweet month for our entire family.  James celebrated his first year  & his entrance into the Catholic family at St. James Cathedral in Seattle with a gathering at the local Chuck E. Cheese.  Talk about exhausting.  But it was fun.  My parents made the drive from South Dakota, so that was a treat for the kids. Then towards the end of the month, our world came crashing down.  We went in for a regular prenatal check up - or so we thought, but we left the hospital with very heavy and broken hearts.  We had just been told that our beautiful baby had passed away and that it was too late.  I still remember that very moment as if it just happened, but I guess I always will. Our lives completely changed at that moment. We welcomed our son - Anthony James (AJ) on July 29.  He is beautiful and will be forever remembered. That moment was nearly 7 months ago and my heart is still broken. But I cannot dwell on that alone for we have 2 earth angels with us who need me.

August 2011: simply a blur. But we did get to bring our son home on the day he was originally supposed to be brought into this world. That was a tough day, but I wouldn't change the day he came home. That was the day he was meant to be home with his brother and sister. Got my first tattoo this month as well. I always thought the pain of a tattoo would hurt, but there was already so much hurt in my heart that not even a needle could hurt me.

September 2011: We had the memorial Mass for AJ.  We waited until this month so that both sets of grandparents would be able to attend. Then we celebrated his life at Olive Garden. Best meal. :-) the never ending pasta... eventually it does end.

October 2011: Halloween was spent at my sister's. Had fun trick or treating.

November 2011: My mom was able to make it out for Thanksgiving. :)

December 2011: I turned 34.  Christmas was spent at my sister's. New Year's was spent at home trying to relax from several weeks of holidays.

January 2012: a new friend convinced me to get on the ball with selling some knitted items and to ask permission to sell objects made from other designers.  Who knew I would get more positive replies for that? Go figure.

February 2012: making much needed progress on getting half started projects off the needles. Oh and I started making my own line of double pointed needles. We shall see how that endeavor goes. :-)

So now that you are caught up, I will let that sink in and wait a bit before I post again.